
Chris: The digital assistant for drivers

Created by German Autolabs

Chris was successfully funded on Kickstarter and is now available for pre-order for 299 EUR. We will start shipping the pre-orders in September 2018. We can only ship to EU 28 countries. We're launching Chris at IFA 2018 in Berlin. Chis wurde erfolgreich über Kickstarter finanziert und kann jetzt für 299 EUR vorbestellt werden. Ab September 2018 beginnen wir alle Vorbestellungen loszuschicken. Wir liefern in alle 28 EU Länder. Gelauncht wird Chris 2018 auf der IFS in Berlin.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Volunteers needed // Freiwillige gesucht
over 7 years ago – Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 01:14:34 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Chris Update September 2017
over 7 years ago – Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 12:57:04 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Meet Chris @ Future Haus Berlin
over 7 years ago – Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 05:33:04 AM

## Deutsche Version weiter unten ##

Dear backers, 

read on if you are in town for IFA 2017 (Aug 31-Sep 6) – Chris will be on display at the Future Haus in Berlin-Mitte!

 Chris Pop-Up Store Berlin

Berlin is going crazy about the IFA, happening the first week of September – and so do we. Meet Chris in a fancy vintage vehicle at the Future Haus, a pop-up store which we are running with some other cool hardware startups. Take a look at Chris, ask questions and get to know the people behind the world´s first digital assistant for drivers. 

When: TH, August 31 – FR, September 6 daily 10am - 8pm

Where: Future Haus, Veteranenstraße 20, 10119 Berlin (see it on Google Maps)


 Other cool hardware startups at Future Haus: 

TrackR from Santa Barbara, CA, answers the eternal question: "Where is ...?". With their little trackers, you can quickly find keys, wallets and even your car. 

The Berlin based startup unu with its smart electric scooter. unu stands for innovative and forward-thinking technology and design that is 100% electric powered. 

Our office mates Senic, they are combining technology and design to create the future of smart home: COVI, a speech-enabled lamp that also acts as a home hub

The lighting specialists Nanoleaf from San Diego, CA, who think the light in a new light: they blend lighting design and technology and create a world beyond light bulbs. 

MysteryVibe invented the world's first Bendable Body-Adapting Smart Vibrator “crescendo”, which can be bent and shaped as women like it. 

mitte from Berlin presents its intelligent water system, which enriches drinking water with minerals and treats it in the right way – as if it came directly from nature. 

Smart Nora from Toronto showcases silence in the form of a pillow: the solution for all snorer (and sufferers). The pillow includes technology that improves your sleep.

Luke Roberts is developing the world’s first smart design lamp where you can place the light in any direction with simple paint gestures on your phone. 

All information at a glance:

Hope to see you around, 

Holger, Patrick & the German Autolabs team

## Deutsche Version ##

 CHRIS Pop-up-Store in Berlin

Die IFA startet in wenigen Tagen in Berlin – wenn Du in der Stadt bist, schau doch im Future Haus vorbei. Das ist ein Pop-up-Store, den wir zur IFA mit einigen ausgewählten Start-ups in Mitte auf die Beine gestellt haben. Natürlich gibt es Chris zum Anfassen (in einem coolen Oldtimer), das Team ist vor Ort und beantwortet alle Fragen zum weltweit ersten digitalen Assistente für Autofahrer.

Wann: DO, 31. August – FR, 6. September täglich 10-20 Uhr 

Wo: Future Haus,  Veteranenstraße 20, 10119 Berlin (auf Google Maps sehen


 Außerdem warten auf Dich: 

TrackR aus Santa Barbara, CA, hat die Antwort auf die Frage “Wo ist denn…?”. Mit den kleinen Trackern lassen sich Schlüssel, Portemonnaie etc wiederfinden. 

Das Berliner Startup unu mit seinem Elektroroller. unu steht für innovative und zukunftsweisende Technologie und Design und wird zu 100% elektrisch betrieben. 

Unsere Bürokollegen Senic, die Technologie und Design in wegweisende Smart-Home-Geräte vereinen. COVI etwa ist Lampe, Assistent und Hub zugleich

Die Beleuchtungsspezialisten Nanoleaf aus San Diego, CA, die Licht neu denken: Sie schaffen eine Welt jenseits von Glühbirnen und Einschränkungen. 

MysteryVibe aus London, die den ersten Body-Adaptable Smart Vibrator der Welt “crescendo” im Gepäck haben. Der Vibrator kann geformt werden, wie Frau es mag. 

mitte aus Berlin stellt sein intelligentes Wassersystem vor, das Kranwasser mit Mineralien anreichert und trinkgerecht aufbereitet – als käme es direkt aus der Natur. 

Smart Nora aus Toronto hat ein besonderes Kissen im Gepäck: die Lösung für alle Schnarcher (und Leidtragenden). Das Kissen verbessert den Schlaf durch Technologie. 

Luke Roberts entwickelt die erste Designlampe der Welt, bei der Du mit einer Geste auf Deinem Smartphone die Richtung bestimmen kann, in die das Licht scheint. 

Mehr Infos zur Location, dem Future Haus und allen Partnern findet Ihr hier:

Hoffentlich sehen wir uns in Berlin,

Holger, Patrick & das German Autolabs Team   

Chris Update August 2017
over 7 years ago – Sat, Aug 05, 2017 at 10:30:34 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

The last 4 hours
over 7 years ago – Wed, May 03, 2017 at 12:32:38 AM

Hi Everyone, 

this is the final countdown - only 4 hours left before our crowdfunding for Chris, the world´s first digital co-driver with Artificial Intelligence, ends today at 6pm CET | 12pm EDT. Please share with your friends who are interested but haven´t already backed that this is their last change to do so. Shortlink:


 Whoa, what a ride! 

 Very intense 35 days of Kickstarter madness, now we are almost there. Once again we really appreciate your input, support and backing. We received so many great questions, suggestions and feedback on the various channels - KICKSTARTER IS A GREAT COMMUNITY that challenges and supports project creators like us at the same time. Kudos to every single one of you! 

We´ll update you frequently about the next steps and such, in the meantime make sure to visit where you can also chat with us and follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

 We are looking for talent!  

Are you a backer or watching this project closely? Do you work in tech, AI, software or are you generally awesome in what you do and would like to get your hands on Chris? We are always looking for talent from all over the world. Don´t be shy, get in touch today:  

Holger, Patrick & the German Autolabs team